Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boot Camp: Day 1 of 2

So, today was nursing Boot Camp, a.k.a. skills review. We all met together for the first time since our orientation in June. Only one of us has dropped out so far. After today, I considered it myself (not really. But kind of). We met in the lecture hall for some orientation stuff, then it was off to review vital signs. It's amazing how something that I've been doing nearly every week day for the past three and a half years should suddenly become so difficult when being observed. It was as if I'd never taken a blood pressure before. What is that? Then it got me thinking: if I can get this nervous about a skill I am well versed in, what is going to happen to me when asked to demonstrate a skill I've learned just weeks earlier? We have these skills check-offs, like, all the time. Great. Just great.

Today was useful in one way, and that was in reminding me of something I'd forgotten about: seating arrangements and how they correlate directly to your success in that class. I was so unfortunate as to sit next to the very wrong person. This girl had a comment for everything. Not a funny comment, nothing quippy or even interesting, just a comment. Just pressure of speech, or something like that. This was unbearable. After a few minutes I refused to even acknowledge the fact that she was saying anything at all, and yet even with no positive reinforcement, she just kept going. Insane. As mean as this sounds, I have absolutely resolved to avoid this girl in future, at all possible cost. To have my concentration thus assaulted would surely mean the death of me. I did, however, make a friend, I believe. She's very nice, smart, good smile, and doesn't talk too much. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.

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